Computer Aided Fashion
Design Course


Computer Aided Fashion Design Course

Computer-aided fashion design courses can be a great way to enhance your skills in the fashion industry and learn how to create professional-quality designs using digital tools. The software used in these courses is widely used in the fashion industry, and learning how to use them effectively can help you become a more competitive and versatile designer.
Additionally, you'll learn about the entire fashion design process, from sketching and pattern-making to production planning and management, giving you a comprehensive understanding of the industry and its practices.

Course Modules

  • Introduction To Computer-Aided Fashion Design
  • Overview Of Computer-Aided Fashion Design And Its Benefits
  • Exploring Different Design Tools And Techniques
  • Navigating The Illustrator Interface And Setting Up The Workspace
  • Creating And Manipulating Basic Shapes, Lines, And Curves
  • Applying Color, Gradients, And Patterns To Fashion Illustrations
  • Drawing Stylized Fashion Figures And Poses
  • Adding Details Like Facial Features, Hair, And Accessories
  • Incorporating Textures And Patterns
  • Utilizing Brushes And Effects
  • Adding Seams, Stitching, And Other Technical Details
  • Creating And Editing Design Components
  • Prototyping And Presenting Fashion Design Concepts